IDFace TypeFace Type DescriptionWhich glasses will suit this face shape?
1Oval facesAn oval face works well with almost every pair of glasses and frames. An oval face has soft, harmonious contours, a small forehead, a gently rounded chin and prominent cheekbones. It is the "ideal" face shape for glasses because virtually every design and size works well with an oval face.Almost everything looks great – square glasses, round glasses, inconspicuous rimless glasses or more ostentatious frames (such as cat eye or nerd glasses with wide frames) and special designs
2Round facesGentle, flat contours, broad, prominent cheeks and a rounded chin are hallmarks of this face shape. Round faces are somewhat shorter and fuller than an oval face.Unobtrusive, thin frames that do not draw attention to the width of the face, angular frames (such as square or slightly rectangular frames) or wider frames that give the face added contours and greater definition. Nylor or full-rim frames with a tinted, subtle lower edge are also a great alternative for a round face