
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
3571sayrılık n disease, illness
3572saz n musical instrument, reed phr nefesli sazlar (mus.) the brass (instruments) saz ve saman çatılı thatched sepet sazı wicker
3573sazan n carp ot sazanı (zool.) grass carp, white amur
3574sazlık n rushes, reeds
3575sci-fi n sci-fi
3576sebat n persistence (quality), perseverance, stamina, endurance, staying power sebat etmek persevere, persist (not give up, hold on)
3577sebatkar adj persistent (in efforts etc.), persevering, relentless
3578sebatlı adj (form.) pertinacious, tenacious
3579sebzeci n greengrocer
3580seccade n (rel.) prayer mat
3581secde n (rel.) sujud, saidah
3582seçenek n option
3583seçici adj selective (school etc.) n (tech.) selector (switch)
3584seçilebilir adj electable, optional
3585seçilmiş adj elect (by God etc.)
3586seçim n choice, selection, pick (choosing), election (of a chairman etc.) seçim bölgesi constituency seçimler the elections, the polls
3587seçimli adj optional
3588seçki n anthology, election adj electoral
3589sedef n mother-of-pearl,nacre
3590sedimantasyon n (chem.) sedimentation
3591sedir n (bot.) cedar
3592sedye n stretcher (for the ill)
3593sefahat n debauchery
3594sefalet n poverty, impoverishment (state) sefalet çekmek lead a miserable existence (suffer hardships etc.), scrape a living
3595sefaret n embassy, legation
3596sefer n journey, trip (voyage etc.), campaign (military), voyage (on a ship), sail (boat trip etc.) phr haçlı seferleri (hist.) the Crusades
3597seferber (mil.) seferber etmek mobilize (army etc.)
3598seferberlik n (mil.) mobilization
3599sehpa n easel, music stand, (small) table, coffee table
3600sek n sparkling wine

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