
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
3691sherry n sherry
3692showroom n showroom
3693sıçrama n rebound, bounce, splash (action), (upward) leap, (sport.) takeoff (when jumping etc.), (tech.) springing
3694sıçramak v bound (move), jump up, (BrE) pop out swh (go briefly), nip out swh, swing osf (up) into/onto sth, take off (jumper), throw osf swh (jump etc.), f
3695sıçratmak v splatter sth with sth, splash sth with sth
3696sıçrayıcı n jumper (athlete)
3697sıçrayış n jump, leap, bound (movement)
3698sıfat adj (ling.) adjectival n (ling.) adjective phr belirli sıfat (ling.) definite article
3699sıfır n zero,nought,nil sıfır oranlı (fin.) non-taxable,nontaxable sıfır yerçekimi zero gravity, (state of) weightlessness
3700sıfırlamak v zero sth (device etc.)
3701sığ adj shallow (plate, water etc.)
3702sığdırmak v place sth swh, position sth swh, put sth in(to) sth (folder etc.), place sth (in files etc.), squeeze sth into swh, stuff sth into sth, cram sth
3703sığırcık n (zool.) starling, (zool.) hill mynah
3704sığırkuyruğu n (bot.) mullein
3705sığışmak v squeeze into sth (small room etc.)
3706sığlık n (the) shallow(s), shoal (of water)
3707sığmak v fit in(to) sth (space ap.), go in sth (box etc.), squeeze in(to) sth (a car etc.), fit into sth
3708sıhhat n precision
3709sıhhatlı adj healthy (in good health)
3710sıhhi adj medical, health (services etc.), sanitary
3711sıhhiye n health service(s)
3712sıhhıyeci n orderly (in hospital)
3713sıkıcı adj boring, dull, uninteresting (tedious etc.), oppressive (situation etc.), tedious, tiresome sıkıcı şey bore (something boring) Ne <
3714sıkılgan adj diffident, shy, bashful
3715sıkılganlık n modesty (chaste etc.)
3716sıkılmak v be bored, constrict (of throat etc.)
3717sıkılmaz adj shameless
3718sıkılmış adj bored (person) (taze) sıkılmış suyu freshly squeezed juice
3719sıkıntı n affliction, deprivation (need etc.), difficulty (trouble etc.), discomforts, scarcity of sth can sıkıntısı bore (no fun), boredom
3720sıkıntılı adj dejected, depressed, difficult (hard)

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