
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
3811sıyırmakv scrape, clear away, strip, draw, gall
3812siyonizm n (polit.) Zionism
3813siz pron you size (to) you sizi you (plural) sizin your, (of) yours sizinle you -
3814-siz prep without sb/sth conj without doing sth
3815sızanakn whelk, acne, blotch, sore, pimple, pustule
3816skleroz n forgetfulness, (med.) sclerosis phr multipl skleroz multiple sclerosis
3817skolastisizm n (philos.) scholasticism
3818skolyoz n (med.) scoliosis
3819skor n score
3820skrotum n (anat.) scrotum
3821slalom n (sport.) slalom
3822slalomcu n (sport.) slalom racer
3823Slav adj Slavic n Slav
3824slogan n motto, slogan slogan atmak chant (audience etc.)
3825Slovak , Slovakyalı adj Slovak n Slovak
3826smetana n sour cream
3827SMS abbr SMS
3828snobizm n snobbism, snobbery
3829snop , snob adj snobbish, snobby
3830snowboard n (sport.) snowboard
3831snowboardcu n (sport.) snowboarder
3832snowboarding n (sport.) snowboarding
3833soba n stove, heater (in a room)
3834soda n soda (ash), soda (water), (AmE) club soda maden sodası sparkling water
3835sodyum n (chem.) sodium sodyum bikarbonat baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, (inform.) bicarb
3836soğukkanlılık n presence of mind
3837soğukken adv cold (eaten etc.)
3838soğukluk n cold, cool (low temperature) cinsel soğukluk (med.) frigidity
3839soğuma n cooling
3840soğumak v cool (down), cool off, get/go cold (of food etc.), get cold (food, drink etc.), become cool(er), get cold(er) (of weather)

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