
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
3931stres n stress (work load etc.) birini strese sokmak stress (out) sb
3932stresli adj stressful
3933stria n (med.) stria, stretchmarks, stretch marks
3934striknin n (chem.) strychnine
3935striptiz n striptease
3936striptizci n stripper
3937sualtı adj underwater, (tech.) submersible (pump etc.)
3938suare n soirée, soiree, evening (social event)
3939subay n commissioned officer, unmarried man, bachelor adj unmarried, celibate, wifeless, unattached, single phr gedikli subay flag bearer
3940subilimi n hydrology
3941subliminal adj (psych.) subliminal
3942substrat n substratum
3943subtropik adj subtropical
3944sucuk n dry sausage
3945suç n crime, (law) offence, misdemeanour, offence (violation etc.), (AmE) offense, offence, wrongdoing phr ağır suç (law) felony suç işlemek com
3946suçiçeği n chickenpox
3947suçsuzluk n innocence (no quilt)
3948sudak n pikeperch
3949Sudan adj Sudanese n Sudan phr Güney Sudan South Sudan
3950Sudanlı n Sudanese
3951sufle n soufflé
3952sükkânn rudder, wheel phr sükkân çarkı steering wheel, helm
3953süpürme n sweep (cleaning)
3954süpürmek v sweep sth off sth (crumbs etc.), sweep sth (floor etc.),vacuum sth (clean), hoover sth (the room)
3955sürahi n carafe, decanter, jug, pitcher (vessel)
3956sürat n speed durgun su sürat yarışı (sport.) canoeing sürat motoru speedboat
3957süratle adv fast, quickly, rapidly, swiftly
3958süratli adj fast, quick, rapid (movement etc.), swift
3959sürçme n stumble, trip (act of tripping)
3960sürçmek v stumble over sth, trip over sth dili sürçmek bsnin make a slip (of the tongue)

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