
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
4111tabla n plate (of steel etc.)
4112tablet n tablet (medicinal etc.) tablet (bilgisayar) (comp.) tablet (computer)
4113tabut n coffin, (AmE) casket
4114Tacik adj Tajik n Tajik
4115Tacikistan n Tajikistan
4116tacir n dealer in sth
4117taciz n abuse (sexual etc.), bullying, harassment cinsel taciz sexual harassment çocuk tacizi child abuse taciz etmek harass sb, molest, harass
4118taç n crown (royal etc.), diadem, (astron.) corona, aureole phr taç atışı (sport.) throw-in taç giydirmek crown sb
4119taç giyme töreni n coronation
4120taçyaprağı n petal
4121taçyaprak n perianth
4122tadımlık n (food) degustation, tasting (of wine etc.)
4123talvarn penthouse, booth, shed, awning, roof with grapevine, sunshade phr bezekli talvar canopy, tester
4124taşatann boy's catapult, sling
4125tavır(or teher) n stance, pose (position), behaviour (bearing etc.), mode, description
4126tekaütn scholarship, grant, pension, research grant, stipend
4127tekaütçün grant-aided student, pensioner, grant-holder, exhibitioner
4128tellakn masseur, bath attendant, rubber, coiffeur, shaver, haircutter, barber, fleecer
4129tenkphr tenk nefes olmak gasp tenge gelmek be tired out, be exasperated, feed up
4130uğurn good luck, well-being, good fortune, success, eclat, short period of time phr bir uğur just a little
4131uzaki remote adj away, distant, far, faraway, unfamiliar
4132uzunadj tall, long, lengthy, faraway
4133uzunlukn length, longitude, expanse, extent, expansion, extension phr uzunluk dairesi longitude
4134ülgüçn razor, shaver, blade
4135vahitn singli, unit, one, sale, unity, unit adj single, indivisible, entire, full, solely
4136varsayım n assumption (assumed idea), supposition, hypothesis
4137varsayımlı adj hypothetical
4138varsayma n presumption (taken for granted)
4139varsaymak v assume (think that), presume (believe etc.)
4140varsıl adj rich, wealthy

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