
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
4621zalimce adv brutally
4622zam n price increase, increase in prices maaş zammı pay rise, (AmE) pay raise maaşına zam yapmak give sb a (pay) rise, (AmE) give sb a raise
4623zaman n time, period, (ling.) tense (in grammar) phr aynı zamanda but, only (that) başka zaman (at) some other time başlangıç zamanı
4624zamanaşımı n (law) limitation (of time) (legal institute),negative prescription
4625zamanında adv in time, on time, punctually (on time etc.)
4626zamanla adv with time (change etc.), in the course of time
4627Zambiya adj Zambian n Zambia
4628Zambiyalı n Zambian
4629zamir n (ling.) pronoun
4630zamk n (tech.) gum (for pasting), mucilage
4631zampara n womanizer, philanderer
4632zan n assumption (assumed idea), supposition, surmise, conjecture, suspicion
4633zanaat n trade (craft, self-employment etc.), craft (weaving etc.)
4634zanaatçı n craftsman, artisan
4635zanaatkar n craftsman, artisan
4636zangırdamak v chatter (of teeth), rattle
4637Zimbabveli n Zimbabwean
4638zimmet n embezzlement, misappropriation, defalcation, peculation zimmetine geçirmek bşi bsnin debit sth
4639zina n adultery, (form.) fornication
4640zincir n chain, tracks (of a tank etc.) kar zinciri snow chains, (AmE) tire chains perakende zinciri retail chain
4641zindan n cell (in prison etc.), imprisonment
4642zinde adj lively, energetic (vital), sprightly, strong (physically), healthy (in good health)
4643zindelik n fitness
4644zira conj because
4645ziraatçı n farmer
4646zirai adj agricultural, (of) farming
4647zoka n bait, decoy
4648zoolog n zoologist
4649zooloji n zoology
4650zoolojik adj zoological

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