
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
451atfetmek v ascribe sth to sb/sth (merit etc.), attribute sth to sb/sth
452ATH n EMS, Emergency medical services
453atıcı n shooter
454atıcılık n (sport.) pitch (in baseball)
455atik adj nimble, agile (quick etc.)
456atık n drain (for waste etc.) atık yönetimi waste separation
457atık su atık su ücreti sewer rates/charge
458atiklik n agility,nimbleness
459atıl adj inactive, idle
460atipik adj atypical, untypical
461atışmak v argue about/over sth
462atıştırmak v have a snack
463atıştırmalık n refreshment(s) (food etc.)
464atkı n scarf (long,narrow), (old.) muffler (clothing)
465atlama n omission, (upward) leap, vault over sth, jump over sth, (sport.) diving, takeoff (when jumping etc.) phr atlama tepesi (sport.) ski-jump, ski jump
466atlamak v jump, leap, spring (move up), jump (hop etc.), plunge (in water etc.), skip (along), hop, jump in sth, on sth, hop in sth, on sth, jump off sth (bike etc.), take
467Atlantik adj Atlantic n the Atlantic (Ocean)
468atletizm n track and field events, (sport.) athletics, (AmE) track and field
469atlı n (horse) rider
470atlıkarınca n merry-go-round, (AmE) carousel
471atma n throw, stroke (of an oar etc.) phr (gülle) atma (sport.) shot put
472atmaca n (zool.) sparrowhawk
473atmak v fling sth, throw sth, hurl, toss sth swh, (inform.) chuck sth swh, throw away sth, throw out sth (waste etc.), (inform.) chuck sth out, throw away (drop etc.<
474atmasyon n rubbish, drivel, piffle, bilge (silly talk)
475atmosferik adj atmospheric
476atol n atoll
477atom n (phys., chem.) atom
478av n hunt(ing), catch (fish caught etc.), prey, quarry (hunted animal) phr av köpeği hound, pointer (dog)
479avanak n dupe
480avangart n avant-garde

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