
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
661başkonsolos n consul general
662başlama n start (of race), starting (up) (websites, system etc.), launch (of a project etc.) göreve başlama töreni inauguration, inaugural ceremony
663başlamak v start, begin, get down to sth, set about sth, start (to do sth) sth, (form.) commence (to do sth) sth, start (to do) sth (work ap.), begin (to do) sth, s
664başlangıç n beginning, (form.) commencement, start (of activity), birth of sth (genesis), introduction (to activity etc.), (inform.) intro, onset, commencement (of work), start(ing) (in an<
665başlangıçta adv at first, initially, at the beginning prep by the beginning of sth, (in) early sth
666başlatıcı n initiator
667başlatma n initiation, (form.) commencement, launch (of a product etc.)
668başlatmak v establish (order, new system etc.), initiate (cause to happen), launch sth (campaign etc.), start (up) sth (activity), mount sth (an event etc.), set off sth
669başmühendis n chief engineer
670başörtüsü , başörtü n headscarf (head kerchief)
671başparmak n thumb, big toe
672başpiskopos n (eccl.) archbishop, the Primate
673başpiskoposluk n (eccl.) archbishopric, archiepiscopate
674başrahibe n abbess
675başrahip n abbot, (eccl.) prelate
676başsağlığı n condolence
677başta adv at first, initially, at the beginning
678baştan baştan çıkaran seducer
679batağan n (zool.) grebe
680batak n mud adj hopeless
681batakçı n embezzler, peculator, cheat (person), cheater
682batakhane n gambling den, den of vice
683bataklı adj muddy (ground etc.), paludal, marshy
684bataklık n bog, marsh, swamp, fen, wetland bataklık yosunu (bot.) bog/peat moss
685bateri n drum kit/set
686batı adj western, west (part etc.) n west phr Orta Batı Midwest batıda in the west
687batık adj sunken (ship etc.)
688batıl batıldan out of superstition
689batmayan adj unsinkable
690batmış adj sunken (ship etc.)

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