
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
781beynelmilel adj international
782beysbol n (sport.) baseball (game)
783Beytüllahim n Bethlehem
784bez n (AmE) dish towel, (BrE) tea towel, tea cloth, dishcloth (for drying), (anat.) gland, canvas shoes phr bebek bezi (BrE) nappy, (AmE) diaper brand
785bezdirmek v put sb off sth (make dislike)
786beze n meringue
787bezek n ornament
788bezelye n peas bezelye çorbası pea soup
789bezeme n decoration (thing etc.)
790bezemek v decorate sth with sth, adorn sth with sth
791bıçaklama n stab (with a knife etc.)
792bıçaklamak v stab sb with sth bıçaklayarak öldürmek birini stab and kill sb
793bıçkıhane n sawmill
794bıkkın adj disgusted by sth
795bıkkınlık bıkkınlık gelmek be tired of sth, (fig.) be sick of sth, be fed up with sth, be weary of sth
796bıkmak v (begin to) pall on sb Bıktım artık. I'm tired of it now.
797bıktırıcı adj exhausting, tiresome, tiring
798bıktırmak v put sb off sth (make dislike)
799bıldır adv last year
800bıldırcın n quail
801bildirişn announcement, notice, poster, notification phr bildiriş varakası notice, notification
802bilvasıta prep via sb/sth (mediation), by means of sb/sth
803bin num thousand binlerce kez thousand times
804bina n convenience (facility etc.), (form.) edifice ek bina extension (building etc.), annexe (built)
805binaen prep because of sb/sth, for the sake of sb/sth, due to sth, owing to sth
806binalar n buildings
807binbaşı n (mil.) major (soldier)
808binbirdelikotu n (bot.) St John's wort
809binde n per thousand, per mil(le)
810bindirmek v lift sb up, add sth to sth, overlap sth with sth

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