
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
871biyolog n biologist
872biyoloji n biology
873biyolojik adj biological biyolojik olarak parçalanan biodegradable
874bize pron (to) us
875bizi pron us
876bizim pron our, ours
877bizimle pron us
878bizmut n (chem.) bismuth
879bizon n (BrE) bison, (AmE) buffalo, (European) bison, wisent
880bizzat Kendisiyle bizzat görüştüm. I met him in person.
881blazer n blazer
882blender çubuk blender immersion/stick blender
883blog n (comp.) blog video blog video blog
884bluz n blouse
885BM abbr UNO
886bobin n bobbin, spool, (AmE) reel, (electr.) coil (electric) phr ateşleme bibini ignition coil
887bocalamak v stagger, reel, hesitate
888bocurgat n winch, windlass
889bodrum n cellar
890bodur adj stocky n (sport.) knee bend
891boğa n bull (animal) boğa burcu (astron.) Taurus boğa güreşi bullfight(ing), corrida, fight bulls
892boğak n (med.) tonsillitis
893boğaz n pass (in mountains etc.), (geogr.) strait(s) (narrow in the sea) phr boğaz ağrısı sore throat boğazını temizlemek clear one's throat (
894boğulmak v be suffocating, be choking, suffocate (die), choke (to death), asphyxiate, be drowning, get choked (pipe etc.), get clogged with sth (drain etc.), clog up with sth phr -
895boğulmuş adj muted (sound, voice), hushed (voice), drowned (person etc.)
896boğum n knot (tied), (anat.) node (anatomy)
897boğuşmak v fight with sb (wrestle etc.), brawl with sb
898bohem adj bohemian (lifestyle etc.) n bohemian
899bok n shit, crap (excrement)
900bokböceği n (zool.) dung beetle, (sacred) scarab

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