
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
1171egoist adj selfish, egoistic
1172eğe n rasp (tool), (tech.) file (tool)
1173eğelemek v file off (remove)
1174eğer conj if, whether, if (interrogatory)
1175eğik adj hunched, stooping, oblique (having oblique angles) eğik çizgi (forward) slash
1176eğilim n affection (liking), favour (positive feeling), (form.) propensity to sth, tendency, trend eğilim göstermek incline to sth, be inclined to sth (of opinions etc.<
1177eğilimli adj inclined to sth (of a person etc.), tilted, sloping
1178eğilmek v bend (down), stoop (down), bend over, bend (sag etc.), curve (become bent), bow (down) to sb, before sb, duck, incline sth, tilt sth, tip sth, lean (from thever
1179eğim n (down)slope, decline (of surface), inclination (slope), slant, cant (of a surface etc.)
1180eğimli adj inclined (surface etc.), tilted, sloping, inclined to sth (of a person etc.), predisposed to sth (disease etc.), susceptible to sth (cold etc.), prone to sth
1181eğinn human body, clothes, clothing, garments phr yalın eğin naked body eğin-baş apparel, clothes, dress
1182eğirmek v weave sth (wreath etc.), (text.) spin (yarns)
1183eğitimli adj trained, well-educated, educated
1184eğitimsel adj educational (issues, system etc.)
1185eğitimsiz adj uneducated
1186eğitme yeniden eğitme retraining (for work)
1187eğitmek v educate, train sb, instruct sb (teach etc.)
1188eğitmen n instructor, trainer (of workers etc.)
1189eğitsel adj (form.) educative
1190eğlence n amusement, entertainment, (inform.) fun, distraction (entertainment etc.), fun, amusements (at a fair etc.), activities (in life etc.) adj amusement (modifier), entertainment (p
1191eğlenceli adj funny (amusing)
1192eğlendirici adj entertaining
1193eğrilmek v sag
1194eğrilmez adj inflexible (rigid etc.)
1195eğriltmek v deform (bend, twist etc.), distort (twist etc.)
1196ehemmiyet n importance, significance
1197ehemmiyetli adj important, pivotal, significant
1198ehemmiyetsiz adj trifling
1199ehil n master in sth (expert)
1200ehlileşmek v become domesticated (animal etc.)

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