
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
1441fetişizm n fetishism
1442fetva n fatwa(h)
1443fevkalade adj extraordinary, uncommon (out of the ordinary), remarkable
1444fevkaladelik n exceptionality
1445fezleke n summary
1446fibula n (anat.) fibula
1447fıçı adj (on) draught (beer etc.) n barrel (container), cask, keg, (wine.) wine thief (vessel) phr fıçı bira beer on tap, draught beer fıçıdan
1448fidan n seedling (young plant)
1449fidanbiti n aphid
1450fidanlık n (tree)nursery
1451fihrist n index, list of sth, catalogue, (AmE) catalog
1452fiil n (ling.) verb fiil çekmek (ling.) conjugate
1453fiili adj real (existing etc.), actual, active, factual
1454Fiji adj Fijian
1455Fiji Adaları n Fiji
1456Fijili n Fijian
1457fikir n idea (thought), opinion, view (take on the issue), conception (basic idea), idea (main concept), theme (of a work etc.), subject matter of sth, notion of/about sth, judgme
1458fikir birliği n consensus
1459fıkırdaklık n coquetry, flirting
1460fikirli adj thoughtful (lost in thought), pensive, shrewd
1461fıkra n fun, (inform.) laugh (something funny), joke
1462fikri adj mental
1463Fildişi Sahili n Ivory Coast
1464file n net (fishing etc.)
1465fileto n fillet phr fileto çıkartmak bone (remove bones from)
1466filharmonik adj philharmonic
1467filigran n watermark
1468filika n lifeboat
1469Filipince n Filipino (language), Tagalog
1470Filipinler adj Filipino n Philippines

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