
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
1471Filipinli n Filipino
1472Filistin adj Palestinian n Palestine
1473filo n (mil.) squadron (of planes) araç filosu (vehicle) fleet
1474filolog n philologist
1475filoloji n philology
1476filozof n philosopher
1477filozofik adj philosophical, philosophic
1478filtre n (tech.) filter filtreden geçirmek filter, filtrate
1479filtreleme n filtration, filtering, infiltration
1480filtrelemek v filter out, infiltrate
1481Fin, Finlandyalı adj Finnish n Finn
1482final adj final n finale, (sport.) the final (game) phr çeyrek final (sport.) quarterfinal, quarter-final, quarterfinals (round) sekiz
1483fıncan n cup (for tea etc.)
1484fındık n hazelnut
1485Finlandiya n Finland
1486firar n escape (getting away etc.) firarda olmak be on the run, be fleeing
1487firari n fugitive, runaway
1488firavun n pharaoh
1489firavunfaresi n (zool.) ichneumon fly/wasp
1490fire n decrease in sth (decline in amount), loss of sth fire vermek decrease, decrease innumber/amount (be less)
1491fırıldak n spinning top, (weather) vane
1492fırın n furnace, kiln, oven çöp yakma fırını (waste) incinerator, incineration plant fırında kızartmak roast (on the surface) fırında pişirme baking
1493fırıncı n baker
1494fırkateyn n frigate
1495fırlamak v dash swh, jump up yuvasından fırlamak pop out (the eyes)
1496fırlatma n blast-off, launch (of a missile etc.)
1497fırlatmak v throw sth, pitch sth (hurl), launch (a missile), set off (bomb etc.), detonate (make explode)
1498firma n business (entity), firm (company etc.) inşaat firması construction company
1499fırsat n occasion (event etc.), chance (opportunity etc.), opportunity to do sth
1500fırsatçı adj opportunist, self-seeking n opportunist

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