
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
1501fırsatçılık n opportunism
1502fisiyon n (phys., chem.) fission
1503fiske fiske vurmak flick (move suddenly)
1504fistan n (old.) dress (women's), (old.) frock
1505fışıldamak v murmur
1506fışırdamak v fizz, effervesce, sparkle (champagne etc.)
1507fışkırma v squirt, gush
1508fışkırmak v gush out (suddenly etc.), spurt (out) (liquid etc.), gush (of liquid etc.), spurt (water etc.), jet (flow etc.), spew (out) sth (ofvolcano), spout sth<
1509fışkırtmak v splash, splosh
1510fıtık n (med.) hernia, (inform.) rupture (of the belly)
1511fitne n division (disagreement etc.), rift (in relationship etc.)
1512fitneci n troublemaker
1513fiyasko n debacle, fiasco
1514fiyat n price, initial/hiring charge (of taxi) phr aynı fiyata at the same price birim fiyatı unit price, price per unit fiyat artışı pric
1515fiyonk n bow (tied)
1516fizik n physics
1517fizikçi n physicist
1518fiziki adj physical (of physics)
1519fiziksel adj carnal, physical (corporeal etc.) fiziksel olarak physically (of the body)
1520fizyoloji n physiology
1521flaşör n (motor.) blinker (on a car), (BrE) direction indicator, (AmE) turn signal flaşör yapmak birine flash (the headlights) at sb
1522flor , flüor n (chem.) fluorine, (miner.) fluorspar, (AmE) fluorite
1523flora n flora
1524florbol n (sport.) floorball
1525floresan adj fluorescent floresan lamba fluorescent lamp/light, (BrE also) strip light
1526florişil adj fluorescent
1527florür n (chem.) fluoride hidrojen florür (chem.) hydrogen fluoride
1528flöre n (sport.) foil (weapon)
1529flört n flirtation phr flört etmek court sb, woo sb (woman etc.), flirt with sb
1530flörtçü n womanizer, philanderer

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