
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
1891hariciyeci n diplomat, (med.) surgeon
1892hariç prep away from sth, excluding sb/sth, with the exception of sb/sth
1893harika adj beautiful, gorgeous, delicious (very pleasant), delightful, fantastic, marvelous, magnificent harika çocuk child prodigy
1894harikulade adj excellent, great (very good), fantastic, terrific, awesome, phenomenal, wonderful, marvellous, splendid, fabulous
1895harita n map haritasını çıkarmak bşin map sth, chart sth (area of land etc.) yol haritası road map, road atlas/book
1896haritacılık n cartography
1897harman n (grain) harvest, harvest (activity), mix of sth, mixture of sth, blend of sth
1898harmanlanmış adj mixed up (mess etc.), jumbled
1899haset n envy, jealousy (of others)
1900hasetlenmek v envy sb sth
1901hasıl hasıl etmek bir şey get sth, acquire sth (buy etc.)
1902hâsıla n (tech.) output
1903hasılat n revenue, (econ.) yield (economic)
1904hasım n opponent of sb/sth (ideas etc.)
1905hasır n bast, wicker(work), camping/foam mat phr hasır şapka straw hat
1906hasırotu n reed
1907hasis adj miserly, stingy, (BrE) mean, very poor (quality etc.), lousy (bad), rotten (terrible etc.)
1908hasret n nostalgia for sth
1909hastalıklı adj pathological
1910hastane n hospital akıl hastanesi mental hospital, (inform.) madhouse hastaneye yatırılma hospitalization
1911haşa interj God forbid
1912haşarat n insect, (inform.) bug
1913haşarı adj naughty (child etc.), mischievous, wild (animal etc.)
1914haşefe n (anat.) glans
1915haşere n pest, vermin
1916haşhaş n poppy, poppy seed(s) haşhaş başı poppy head
1917haşin adj rough (behaviour etc.), abrasive (manners etc.), rude (behaviour)
1918haşiş n hashish, (inform.) hash (narcotic)
1919hatalı adj defective, faulty, incorrect (answer etc.), misguided, mistaken (idea etc.)
1920hatasız adj impeccable, faultless

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