
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
181alakasız adj irrelevant
182alamet n sign of sth (existence etc.), herald, presage, portent, omen
183alan n surface (working etc.), (geom.) area (of a square etc.), expanse, area (of land etc.), (form.) realm, sphere (area etc.), branch (of science etc.), field (of physics etc.), (comp.)
184alarm adj alarm (system etc.) n alarm, alarm (system) phr duman alarmı smoke alarm yanlış alarm false alarm
185alay n procession, parade, ridicule, derision, mockery, (mil.) regiment phr alay etmek be (going) crazy (act foolishly), fool (around), horse around alay etmek
186alayı adj derisive, derisory (mocking)
187alaylı adj caustic (remark), biting, sarcastic, acrid (tone etc.), ironic
188albatr n (miner.) alabaster
189albatros n (zool.) albatross
190albay n (mil.) colonel
191albeni n attraction (force etc.), charm
192albüm n album foto albümü photo(graph) album
193albümin n (biol.) protein
194alçak adj low, wicked (morally bad), mean (evil, despicable etc.), abusive (language), low-floor (vehicle etc.) adv low n rogue, blackguard, scoundrel, villain phr<
195alma boşa alma idling göz önüne alma regard (consideration etc.)
196almak v get (be given), receive sth, scoop (with ladle etc.), take sth (in the hand), buy sth from sb, purchase sth from sb, pick up sb/sth ( -
197Alman adj German n German phr Alman çalışmaları German studies
198almanak n almanac
199Almanca adv (in) German n German (language)
200Almanya n Germany
201alo interj Alo! Hello! (attention etc.)
202alp adj alpine (plants etc.)
203alpaka n (zool.) alpaca (animal)
204Alpler n the Alps
205alternatif adj alternate (leaves etc.), alternative n alternative
206alternatör n (electr.) alternator
207altfamilya n (bot., zool.) subfamily
208altgeçit n underpass, (pedestrian) underpass
209altı num six altıda bir sixth (part) deri altı hypodermic on altı sixteen
210altıgen n (math., geom.) hexagon

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