
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
2161kaymaz adj non-slip, anti-slip
2162kaynaklanmak v be based on sth, derive from sth (have a source), result from sth (consequence etc.)
2163kaynaklar n resources (natural etc.)
2164kaynama n boil (boiling point)
2165kaynamak v knit (of bones), heal up (tissue etc.), boil (of water etc.), bubble (boiling etc.), teem with sth, swarm with sth
2166kaynamış adj boiled
2167kaynana n mother-in-law
2168kaynar adj boiling (hot), boiling (water etc.)
2169kaynaşma n (anat.) adhesion (of tissue)
2170kaynaşmak v fuse (form one unit), grow together, merge (unite etc.), seethe (with anger)
2171kaynaştırmak v amalgamate sth with sth, combine sth with sth, connect sth to sth, join sth with sth (together), link up sth to sth, unite sth (make a whole)
2172kelekbazn cheater, sharper, impostor, cunning person, rogue, trickster, swindler, sly person, tipster, bamboozler, knave, little rogue, bilker, cony-catcher, artifice, juggler, file, cheat, dodger, jockey
2173kelepn skein, hank, plexus, hasp
2174kendirn cord, string, twine, rope
2175kendirbazn rope walker, juggler
2176Kenyalı n Kenyan
2177kep n gown (of academics etc.)
2178kepaze adj scandalous
2179kepazelemek v dishonour, (AmE) dishonor
2180kepazelik n infamy (act)
2181kepçe n ladle, scoop (for soup etc.), measuring glass
2182kepçelemek v scoop (with ladle etc.)
2183kepek n dandruff, bran phr kepek önleyici anti-dandruff
2184kepekli adj wholemeal (bread etc.), (AmE) wholewheat kepekli ekmek wholemeal bread, (AmE) whole-wheat bread
2185kepenk n blind (for windows etc.), (window) shutter sarmal kepenk rolling shutter
2186kerim adj noble, generous
2187kerkenez n kestrel
2188kerentin scythe, cleaver
2189kerkin hoe, pecker, adze, mattock, hack, spud, picker
2190kermes n (annual) fair

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