
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
2341kitleselleşme n popularization
2342kivi n (bot.) kiwi (fruit), (zool.) kiwi, apteryx
2343kızanakn tomato
2344kızartmak v deep-fry, fry, brown (food), fry, toast sth (bread etc.), bake (bread etc.), roast (meat etc.)
2345kızböceği n (zool.) dragonfly
2346kızcağız n (little) girl
2347kızdırma n annoyance (feeling)
2348kızdırmak v misbehave, taunt sb with/about sth, tease sb (make fun of), anger sb, make sb angry, infuriate sb, enrage sb, incense sb, make sth red-hot
2349kızgın adj angry at/with sb, (inform.) mad (infuriated etc.), annoyed, cross with sb, (AmE inform.) sore at sb (upset), bad-tempered (character), irascible, burning (very hot), glow
2350kızgınlaşmak v get angry with sb, get mad at sb
2351kızgınlık n anger, rage, exasperation, resentment, indignation, outrage, wrath
2352kızıl adj red (hair), scarlet n carmine phr kızıl hastalığı (med.) scarlet fever kızıl saçlı red-haired
2353kızılağaç n alder
2354kızılötesi adj (phys.) infrared
2355kızışmak v be in heat (of animals)
2356kızıştırmak v heat (up) (make hot), warm sth (up)
2357kızlık n virginity kızlık zarı (anat.) hymen, maidenhead
2358kızmak v be angry at/with sb, get angry with sb, get mad at sb, tell sb off, scold sb, give sb a dressing-down, be angry/furious/enraged, fly into a rage, get furious
2359klakson n (car) horn klakson çalmak honk (the horn), (BrE) hoot (the horn), hoot (horn etc.)
2360klamidya n (biol.) chlamydia
2361klasisizm n (art) classicism
2362klasman n the rankings (list of players etc.), (sport.) division (in sports)
2363klasör n file, folder (for papers), (ring) binder, (comp.) directory (computing) phr alt klasör subfolder
2364klaustrofobi n claustrophobia
2365klavsen n (mus.) harpsichord, cembalo
2366klavye n key to sth (on keyboard), keyboard, keypad (of a phone)
2367klavyeci n keyboard player
2368kleptoman n (med.) kleptomaniac
2369kleptomani n (med.) kleptomania
2370klik n clique

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