
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
2371klon n (biol., genet.) clone
2372klonlamak v (biol.) clone
2373klor n (chem.) chlorine
2374klorid n (chem.) chloride
2375klorlanmış adj (chem.) chlorinated
2376klorlu adj (chem.) chlorinated
2377kloroform n (bot.) chlorophyll, (AmE) chlorophyl, (chem.) chloroform
2378klorür n (chem.) chloride hidrojen klorür (chem.) hydrogen chloride
2379klozet klozet tahtası toilet seat
2380klüp (or kulüp) n club (organization) fitnes kulübü fitness centre kulüp odası clubroom
2381kocan husband, old, aged, great, big kocalar evi home for aged, asylum, nursing home
2382koçun madcap, hired assassin, hooligan, ruffian, chieftain
2383koçubaşın leader of ruffians, robber chief, chieftain
2384koğaln cookie, cob-loaf, flat cake, pastille
2385kohumbazn nepotist adj nepotic
2386kohumbazlıkn nepotism
2387komünizm n communism
2388komünyon n communion komünyon almak commune (in church), take communion komünyon vermek administer communion
2389konaç n coordinate (number)
2390konak n inn, mansion, residence (building) , guest, caller, banqueter, visitor, stranger
2391konakçın inn, hotel, guesthouse, innkeeper
2392konaklama n accommodation konaklama (endüstrisi) hospitality (industry) (hotels, restaurants etc.)
2393konaklamak v find accommodation, put up (at a hotel etc.), stay overnight/the night swh, spend the night swh
2394konaklayış n lodgings (flat etc.)
2395kondansatör n (tech.) (steam) condenser
2396kondansör n (tech.) (steam) condenser
2397kondüktör n (mus.) bandmaster, bandleader
2398Kongo adj Congolese n Congo
2399Kongo Cumhuriyeti n Republic of the Congo
2400Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti n Democratic Republic of the Congo

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