
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
2761madımak n (bot.) knotweed, knotgrass
2762madrabaz n non-payer
2763mafsal n joint (joining part), join (point) yapay mafsal (med.) artificial joint, joint prosthesis
2764magnezit n (miner.) magnesite
2765magnezyum n (chem.) magnesium
2766mağara n cave mağara bilimci speleologist, caver, (BrE) potholer, (AmE) spelunker mağara bilimi speleology, potholing, (AmE) spelunking
2767mağaza n (BrE) shop (for selling), (AmE) store (for shopping), mağazacı (BrE) shopkeeper, retailer, (AmE) storekeeper, merchant (shop owner) phr indirimli satış mağazası dis
2768mağduriyet n damage, harm (damage etc.), detriment, injury (legal etc.), humiliation
2769mağlubiyet n defeat
2770mağlup adj defeated, beaten (opponent etc.) n loser (defeated one etc.) phr mağlup etmek defeat sb, beat sb (an opponent)
2771mağribi adj Moorish
2772Mağribi n (hist.) Moor
2773Mağrip n (geogr.) Maghreb
2774maharetsiz adj clumsy, awkward (person)
2775mahcubetmek v bring shame on/to sb, shame sb
2776mahcubiyet n embarrassment, discomfiture (unease)
2777mahcup adj shy, bashful mahcubiyet duymak be/feel embarrassed mahcup etmek bsni bring shame on/to sb, shame sb, humble sb (outdo etc.)
2778mahdut adj restricted (space etc.)
2779mahfaza n case, casing, box (for storage)
2780mahfuz adj protected (from impacts etc.)
2781mahir adj dexterous, skilful
2782mahiyet n substance of sth, essence of sth (core etc.)
2783mahkeme n yard, courtyard, court (royal), (law) court of justice, court (of law), tribunal phr asliye mahkemesi court of first instance ceza mahkemesi
2784mahmuz n spur (on a boot)
2785mahpus n criminal, (inform.) jailbird, prisoner
2786mahpusane n (old.) prison, jail, (BrE also) gaol
2787mahrem adj intimate n intimacy, familiarity (of manners etc.)
2788mahrum mahrum etmek deprive sb of sth mahrum etmek bşden disinherit
2789mahsubetmek v count (votes etc.), settle sth (accounts - clear)
2790mahsul n crop (harvested), harvest (amount), product (creation etc.) bağ mahsulü year, vintage (of wine etc.) mahsul vermek bear fruit, produce sth

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