
IDaba <strong>n</strong> felt (<em>material</em>) <stro
2881mayınlamak v mine sth (lay mines in)
2882mayıs n May bir mayıs May Day (celebrations etc.)
2883maymun n (zool.) ape, monkey büyük insansı maymun (zool.) (anthropoid)/great ape dişi maymun (zool.) guenon (monkey)
2884maymunbalığı n (zool.) angelfish, scalare
2885mazeret n alibi, written excuse mazeret göstermek make excuses
2886mazeretli adj excused
2887mazi n the past (time) maziye karışmak become obsolete/outdated
2888mazı n gallnut, gall apple, (bot.) thuja, thuya
2889mazlum adj oppressed, downtrodden (nation etc.)
2890mazoşist n (med.) masochist
2891mazoşizm n (med.) masochism
2892mazot n diesel (oil), (tech.) mazut, heavy fuel/heating oil
2893mazur adj excused mazur görmek give/look for excuses for sth (try to excuse)
2894meal n concept
2895mecazen adv figuratively
2896mecburen adv compulsorily, mandatorily, obligatorily, necessarily (imply etc.)
2897mecburi adj compulsory, obligatory, mandatory, forced, (form.) requisite, (law) mandatory (regulation etc.) phr mecbur bırakmak bir şeye birini be subject to sth (tax etc
2898mecburiyet n (form.) requisite
2899meclis n assembly (body), council (local authority) phr yasama meclisi chamber (parliament) şehir/belediye meclisi town/city council
2900mecmun totality, total, all, aggregate
2901mecmua n magazine (periodical)
2902mecnun adj confused (person etc.), mad, crazy, insane, (inform.) lunatic
2903meçhul adj unknown, strange (unfamiliar)
2904medeni adj civic, civil (of citizens) medeni haklar civil rights medeni hal marital status
2905medenileştirmek v civilize
2906mercanyılanı n (zool.) coral snake
2907mercek n (phys.) lens (of a camera)
2908mercimek n lentil mercimek çorbası lentil soup su mercimeği (bot.) duckweed
2909merdane n (BrE) clothes peg, (AmE) clothespin, rolling pin
2910merdiven n staircase, stairway, stairs merdiven desteği riser (pipe etc.) taşınabilir merdiven stepladder taşınır merdiven ladder yürüyen merdiven<

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